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Message From The Principal

Ladies and Gentlemen, Greetings from Datamine Technical Business School (DTBS), “The Gateway to the World of Opportunities” for all Candidates that wish to be acquainted with the 21st skills for the survival in today’s intricate economy.

Datamine is in full alignment with the Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Policy 2019 that is skewed to the vital individual, enterprise and the economy since they lead to self-reliance at the family level, increased productivity, profits and higher incomes for the nation.

At DTBS, were are aware that the shortage of these skills will retard the capacity to solve problems, slow down the national transformation process and also prolong the journey to modern living. Therefore, DTBS has transfigured its training to suit the complete paradigm shift from the former current skewed theory based education under the BTVET system to the new TVET System that focuses on relevant skills development for true National Independence, development, enhanced productivity and economic growth.

Dronyi Silver Wani

Our Vison

Datamine is a Vocational Institution and the pioneer Institution in Uganda to offer blended Technical/Business training courses and to experiment an integrated model of vocational education encompassing training

Our Mission

Datamine is a Vocational Institution and the pioneer Institution in Uganda to offer blended Technical/Business training courses and to experiment an integrated model of vocational education encompassing training